Florence Chase has been a member of UUVerdugo for decades and has volunteered on numerous committees over the years. In June of this year she was re-appointed to the Board of Trustees as Secretary, where her meticulous habits and parliamentary zeal are put to great use. Florence has re-insituted "Board Briefs," which is a public-facing summation of our monthly Board minutes.
We add them here, as a blog post, to remind readers that, over on the About Us page, our fabulous newsletter is available every month, of which the Board Briefs have lately become an integral part.
We are also reviewing our bylaws and, as such, have been deep in the study of our own archives, which date from late 1963 and contain the names of many people familiar to us who are now departed, even parents of current members. I'll scan one of those yellowing, typewritten pages (but perfectly typewritten pages) later.
In the meantime, thrill to the minutes, and Thanks, Florence!
Board Briefs
October 2023
The UUCVH Board of Directors met on October 22, 2023. It was reported that the finances were in good condition and that the finance committee was still consulting with the Committee Chairs to revise the current year’s budget. It was agreed that the Finance Committee be delegated to select a replacement bookkeeper along with an appropriate computer-accounting program. The Bylaws-Revision committee is still at work. It was announced that the meal preparation for Ascencia will be discontinued at the end of December due to lack of volunteers. It was agreed that support for the holiday projects of Making it Happen would be by individual congregants who choose to do so. It was agreed that one congregant-recommended addition to the Covenant of Right Relations be “asking for permission for posting photographs of congregants.” The Aesthetics Committee has agreed to arrange an Envisioning Meeting with the Congregation.
Florence Chase, Board Secretary